My wife's grandfather's life was changed by a Hubert Humphrey speech. Quite literally. He was a schoolteacher in a white, well-to-do part of Michigan. Humphrey gave a speech which inspired him to pick up and move to Saginaw, and he spent 40+ years teaching in poor, majority black schools. He was quite a guy.
I just finished The Women and it was amazing! Being an 80s baby I did not know a lot about the Vietnam war. My interest is piqued and I will be reading The Sympathizer!
I really like your insightful reviews of your reading. Agree about The Women and you perfectly described it as being not quite literary but so engrossing.
Why is every Kristin Hannah book so freaking good? I loved and cried 2x (and I rarely cry for books) for the Four Winds, set during the dust bowl/Great Depression/labor movement. Gotta give it a read Sarah! 😭
Loved The Women! I had a chance t hear Kristin Hannah talk about the book at a signing when it launched. It was fascinating to hear how it came together and how she leaned on the nurses who served to help capture their experiences. Also enjoyed Democracy Awakens - a great expansion on HCR’s daily letter.
My wife's grandfather's life was changed by a Hubert Humphrey speech. Quite literally. He was a schoolteacher in a white, well-to-do part of Michigan. Humphrey gave a speech which inspired him to pick up and move to Saginaw, and he spent 40+ years teaching in poor, majority black schools. He was quite a guy.
I just finished The Women about an hour ago. It was unputdownable!
I just finished The Women and it was amazing! Being an 80s baby I did not know a lot about the Vietnam war. My interest is piqued and I will be reading The Sympathizer!
I really like your insightful reviews of your reading. Agree about The Women and you perfectly described it as being not quite literary but so engrossing.
Why is every Kristin Hannah book so freaking good? I loved and cried 2x (and I rarely cry for books) for the Four Winds, set during the dust bowl/Great Depression/labor movement. Gotta give it a read Sarah! 😭
Loved The Women! I had a chance t hear Kristin Hannah talk about the book at a signing when it launched. It was fascinating to hear how it came together and how she leaned on the nurses who served to help capture their experiences. Also enjoyed Democracy Awakens - a great expansion on HCR’s daily letter.
I was a little behind on Pantsuit Politics book club, so April included “Her Country” by Marissa Moss.
I also read “Belonging: The Science of Creating Connection and Bridging Divides” by Geoffrey L. Cohen and “Unsheltered” by Barbara Kingsolver.